
About us

Infalia is a spin-off company of the Information Technologies Institute of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), specialised in the provision of web and mobile app solutions and tools addressing the needs of the event and the urban eco-system. Our mission is to build rich mobile apps with powerful back-end services and turn big data into awareness for our customers.

Infalia’s technology delivers apps that enhance the entertainment and urban experience by providing intuitive features, location-aware and aesthetically pleasing interfaces in the attendees’ smartphones. We leverage big data and social media analytics to capture the pulse of large events and help event organizers comprehend the impact of their events on visitors and attendees. We also facilitate the direct citizen-government communication and collaboration by engaging citizens, harvesting their input and analyzing the collected data to turn them into awareness for the decision makers.

We provide our services across Europe bringing quality, innovation and insights to our customers

What makes us different?

The four cornerstones that comprise our philosophy are innovation, quality, responsibility and result – orientation. As a team we are not just technology providers. Having taken part in numerous trade shows, conferences and festivals we know what makes users happy as well as how to offer a valuable and engaging experience and this is what we apply to our products and services.

We are unique because we bring:

  • Expertise in developing high-quality user-friendly applications
  • Innovation in the use of social media and the web for offering valuable information services
  • Research excellence in the fields of web mining and multimedia analysis

Why do you need an Infalia's app for your event?

Infalia revolutionizes the way events are being organized, attended and assessed. We offer a variety of innovative tools to address the needs of the event ecosystem. With attendees increasingly adapting to a mobile way of experiencing events, nowadays, an event manager has to offer a far richer event experience to ensure engagement and ROI. Mobile apps are now becoming an indispensable ingredient for an event's success. We offer robust and scalable solutions for various types of events

How can you benefit?

01Save costs and Generate Additional Revenues

02Provide more value to your sponsors and exhibitors

03Increase attendance: enhanced event engagement

04Offer a better event experience to attendees

05Get instant access to all participants

06Know the impact of your incentives

07Go green

08Convert your users into ambassadors

09Highlight your activities/speakers

10Send last minute updates

11Create buzz around your event

12Enable conversations

13Real-time content update

14Provide directions with maps

15Achieve better audience retention rates

Why do you need Infalia's solutions for your city?

Infalia shares one vision with public authorities: to build more collaborative, empowered and creative cities benefiting people and society. To this end, the mission of ImproveMyCity is to nurture, promote and scale urban innovations enabled by mobile and social technologies through collaborative partnerships between government and civil society. We aim to turn mobile users into the living sensors of their city and bring policy makers closer to the real life of citizens. We improve the quality of urban living by making information sharing and consumption more direct, efficient and fun.

What are the benefits?



01Communicate with their public authorities in a more direct and intimate way

02Become more active and empowered

03Feel more satisfied with the city’s effort to improve their neighborhood and their living standards

04Actively participate in improving their city's branding image

Public Servents enjoy

05Management efficiency by aggregating all reported issues in one system

06Improved user experience in operating the management system

07Full automation in distributing the responsibility and workload based on the category of the reported issue

08Efficient mechanisms to track pending issues, monitor their progress and provide non-standard feedback to the citizen.

Local authorities

09Promote transparency and openness, as well as a sense of serving the community

10Serve citizens directly and without any delays

11Embrace innovation and new technologies by upgrading the public services to eGovernment and mGovernment

12Create a fast growing pool of satisfied citizens that are also willing to sense the problems of their neighborhood and contribute to their resolution

Company details